There has been some publicity about the Royal Families desire that Camilla should be called “Queen” when the current Queen dies and Charles becomes King. I am not bothered one way or the other, but I am afraid the air of mystery that once surrounded the Royal Family has now gone. Unfortunately once that has gone, you are not left with anything very much other than a bunch of people who are overprivileged, under endowed with brains, and living a life worth of a soap opera.
When you add to that the gross abuse of the honours system with so many political cronies being made peers that the House of Lords is creaking at the seams, it seems to me that the time has come for a complete reform. It is about time this country became a republic with a properly elected second chamber. Queen Elizabeth is to be commended for carrying out her duties in an exemplary way for her entire life, but she really is the end of an era. The time for change is coming.