You came into existence because your “parent” invaded a cell in someone’s body. It gave up its genetic material and died so that the cell would produce new copies, you are one of them. Finally the cell ejected you and died itself, leaving you to float around and, if you are lucky, find another cell to invade. You may have to be quick because if you are unlucky, the person you invaded will die and that is the end of your prospects. On the other hand, they might survive but will have made antibodies that prevent you reproducing and kill you.
Before either of these happens, you might be one of those viruses that get ejected from the host when it coughs. You float around in the outside world, in the air, maybe settling on some surface. Unfortunately this isn’t a good environment for you and if you don’t find a person to invade soon, you are finished. If you strike lucky, you find your way into another person. Maybe they breathe you it, or maybe touch the surface where you are sitting and pick you up. Later, they touch their face and are breathed in and you get into their lungs. Away you go inside them, floating around until you hit a cell that you can invade.
At first, the world is a fertile place for you, there are lots of people for your kind to invade. Unfortunately, over time, they either die or they develop antibodies which thwart you. They might start social distancing so that when you are coughed out into the world, you can’t find a new host in time before you die. They might develop a vaccine and so they all have antibodies which stop you in you tracks. Eventually the world becomes a less and less fertile place for you. The heyday of your kind flourishing in their trillions are past. There are fewer and fewer people available to invade and so you eke out an existence attacking the weak and vulnerable.
After your brief and dazzling career, you sink into obscurity. At some point another virus comes along and becomes all the rage for a time. You are forgotten, just a page of history. It’s no fun being a virus.