The big immigration con

The government seems to be trying to compete with Nigel Farage over illegal immigration. Surely the bigger problem is the millions that government has let in and continues to let in via legal immigration. Illegal immigration hits the headlines, but it is small compared to the vast numbers coming in legally. Is this focus just a smokescreen to hide the reality?

Our economy relies on immigration to grow because of our inability to raise productivity, a problem that has lasted for years. What do we need to increase productivity? Skilled people and capital investment. We don’t do much about skills, the focus is sending people to university to do degrees for which there are no jobs instead of encouraging people into skilled trades such as the building industry needs. We have to recruit doctors from overseas as we do not train enough to meet our needs, something that to mind is not only wrong, it is unethical. We don’t invest in the capital equipment and automation that we need to improve productivity. We have no choice but to recruit workers from abroad, even though the long term cost in infrastructure and services to support them will cripple the country even more in the future.

Succesive governments have done little about this, probably as any investment would not pay back in their parliamentary term. They seem to think it better to make a noise about deporting a handful of people who arrived on small boats rather than invest in the long term good of the country.

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