Amazing revelations

I read a report in the newspapers about a survey of customers of a number of large organisation such as banks and utilities. This contained the amazing revelation that their customers are more interested in the quality of their products and their level of customer services than their so called social responsibility activities.

Last week I had to contact CO-OP bank who decided to freeze my debit card when I made a standard payment. It was to another large organisation that I have made many times before and so was completely unexpected. Unfortunately, I was forced to phone them. It took ONE HOUR AND FIVE MINUTES before they answered the phone. The person I spoke to did not have the authority to do anything about the problem so I spent another fifteen minutes hanging on whilst they spoke to someone else and managed to unfreeze my card.

This is the bank that regularly bombards me with self-satisfied crap saying how ethical they are. What a load of rubbish! It isn’t ethical to have such poor customer service and to hold your customers in such contempt. The banner on their home page says “We’ve had a customer-led Ethical Policy for almost 30 years, meaning our customers and communities always come first.” If it wasn’t so annoying, it would be laughable.